Saturday, November 30, 2013

二十ねんごのわたし ー Me, 20 Years from Now

はじめまして みなさん、

わたし は アダム です。四十ななさい です。 わたし の かぞく は たのしい

です。そして にぎやかな かぞく です。わたし の つま は 日本人 です。

イスラエル は とても きれいです から、イスラエル の テルアビブ にいます。

うち に いぬ が います。わたし の かぞく に つま と おとこのこ が 

三人 います。まいにち スポーツ します が、それ から やすまい です。

わたし の かぞく は いちねん に ごかい りょこう へ 行きます。

いしゅうかん に さんかい しごと へ いきます。しごと は おもしろい です。

そして どても たのしい です。わたし の うち は おおきい です。わたし は

まいにち コーヒー を のみます。それから わたし は かぞく に しょくじ を 
つくります。せいがつ は いいです。



  1. Hi! My name is Natsuki.
    Let me explain about my project. In our English class, we had a project that is to suggest new idea for example, new marketing style and new flavor to Amy's ice cream shop. Please evaluate my proposal.
    Hi. My name is Natsuki Mae. I am a freshman in Ritsumeikan University in Japan. I am in the international business administration at school.
    If I work with you in amy’s ice cream, I would like to suggest two new marketing strategy for you. It is making a new flavor in each season, so customers can enjoy different flavor in different time. For example, in April I recommend you to make cherry blossom flavor when cherries are in magnificent bloom. Also I suggest that making Yuzu sherbet in autumn. It is one of the common citrus fruits in Japan in this season. It tastes a little sour but smells really good. I think these flavors are unique in your country, but popular in Japan so I recommended. .Second one is to work over new idea of flavors with customers. That means collecting new plan of favors from them. It seems to me that this idea is good for both customers and employees because they can feel close relationship more between your company and consumers. These are my ideas.
    If I work with you, I stroke unceasingly for you and your shops to utilize my knowledge, new idea and my personality that can take positive attitude to everyone.
    Thank you.

    What do you think about it?
    Thank you:-)

  2. Dear なつきさん、

    Thank you for your message!

    First of all, I really like your ideas. I think that the cherry-blossom flavor is a really cool option (especially if you associate it with 日本 and さくら) As you mentioned, I never saw / tried these flavors before so it could be an interesting addition to the "regular" chocolate / vanilla and other familiar flavors in アメリカ。

    The same thing applies to Yuzu - never heard about Yuzu but would be more than happy to try it. I think that a lot could be gained by differentiating your business (in this case Amy's Ice-cream Shop). I believe that adding the Yuzu and Cherry blossom flavors could be such "differentiating factors." I think it will also be great to explain to customers a little about them and understand their popularity in Japan / origins / background.

    About interacting with customers - once again I think that could be a great idea. Something along the lines of "If you could choose any flavor in the world for an ice-cream, what would you choose?). I would probably choose different variations of chocolate, but someone else would choose other flavors. How many flavors would you offer to develop with customers? Will they rank different flavors given a list or will they come up with the flavors themselves?

    Finally, I think that you have some great ideas and implementing them in the USA could be very interesting - especially since most ice-cream places offer pretty much the same "classic" flavors. I also think that making the connection with Japan could be really cool and would be a great marketing strategy.

    Please let me know if you have any other question!! I am more than happy to help!



  3. こんにちは アダムさん

    I learned a lot from your advices. I should tell and explain customers about flavors, cherry blossom and Yuzu. I would like to answer your question. I want to offer one flavor in each month, so we can have 12 different and new choices with classic one. Also I don’t make a list of flavors, just I want to borrow their imagination. They will give us amazing and surprising flavor, I hope.
    I would like to say again “Thank you for your evaluation and comments!”


  4. なつきさん、

    I am happy to hear I was able to help! I think that 12 different flavors in 12 months could be really cool! Good luck with your project and please let me know if you have any other question, happy to help!

