Monday, October 21, 2013

かぞく Vacation in ペル 

こんいちは みなさん、

きょう わたし は ペル かきます。

Last May, わたし の はは の おとうと ペル へ きました。

わたし の かぞく と every year りょこう を します。

ペル は とでも きれい、たべもの は とでも おいしい。

わたしたし  山 で ATV's を します。 

わたしは おとうと と banjee-jump します

The best part of our りょこうwas going to the マチュピチュ.

マチュピチュ は とでも beautiful and impressive. わたしたち マチュピチュ へ 

あるいて いきました。

The people of Peru were very friendly and were always happy to help. 

クスコ まち で たべもの を たべました は コーヒー を のみました。

To summarize, Peru was an amazing place. The views, food, and people were all great.

It's always incredible to see how many cultures there are out there in the world. I recommend 

to all of you to go to Peru, travel and see the views. Do not miss the Macchu Picchu as it is truly

one of the most impressive things i've ever seen before! 

 ありがとうございました and see you next time!



  1. こんにちはアダムさん。



    1. はじめまして トシンーさん、
      ペル とても きれい。そして にぎやか おくに です。
      わたし は ともだち と メキシコ へ いきました (Last summer)
      わたし は おとうと と アルゼンチン へ いきますか (Last winter)
      フランス また とても きれい。

      どちら ですか トシンーさん?
      Nice to meet you!

  2. アダムさん、

    こんにちは。TAのさとうです。ペルーに行(い)きましたか。きれいなところですね。I agree with you totally, it's amazing and incredible how culttures are the same/different around the world. And every culture is so unique and interesting!

    TA さとう

    1. こんばんは TA さとうーさん、
      I absolutely agree with you. Sometimes it's easy to stay in one's own country and to forget that there are so many places out there.

      So although Israel always was and always will be "Home" for me, I think that we should travel as much as we can, and see as many places and meet as many people as possible - Just remember that you only live once!

  3. こんにちはアダムさん!Thank you for sharing these pictures with us. とてもきれいとうつくしです。 I can speak Spanish, but I've never been south of the equator. I definitely want to visit a place like Peru some day. It'd be a great way to not only put my Spanish-speaking skills to the test, but also just to immerse myself in a new culture!
    そのしゃしんはとてもきれいです!Thank you for sharing these photos. They are so lovely!

    1. こんばんは Hannah-さん、


      I am sorry for the late response, わたし は きのう ニューヨーク へ
      かえりました。I went to イスラエル for the weekend!

      I am very happy that you liked the photos.. When you go to places like Peru and Macchu Picchu it's very difficult to capture the beauty of them in simple photos. I did my best:)

      I also went to Argentina and Mexico last year. I would say that Argentina (and especially Patagonia) have some of the most beautiful views i've ever seen. The views of Patagonia are simply breathtaking.

      It was hard for me to believe that there are still places like these in the world today. Peru (we went to Cuzco) is also incredible. True, McDonalds and Starbucks got there as well but it is nevertheless authentic and so special, and the people are just incredibly nice. Don't forget to go bunjee jumping if you ever go there!! I am pretty sure it's the tallest bunjee jump in all of South America.

      Other than that, stay tuned for my next blog... I am going to write about my Coffee "Project" around the world :-)

      Nice to meet you!


  4. こんにちは、はじめまして。デレクゴーチェーです。どうぞよろしく。わたしはノートルダムだいがくのいちねんせいのがくせいです。I think it is cool that you are able to travel to Peru and experience the culture every year. My life goal is to travel to as many countries as possible. Do you plan on traveling to any other countries?

    1. はじめまして デレクさん、
      Nice to meet you!

      I absolutely agree with you. I think that we must travel as much as we can and as long as we can. I used to travel to Europe for years and never thought about other parts of the world. Only after I travelled to Argentina (Patagonia) I realized that there are so many places to travel and explore.

      What are my next destinations.. That's a good question. わたし は 
      らいねん ニューヨーク で はたらきます。。。So I have to travel as much as possible given my time constraints.

      This coming summer わたし は かぞく と ブラジル へ いきます。We are going the entire family to watch the World Cup in Brazil. I can't wait! Beside Brazil I think that I will travel back home to Israel to see my family and friends.

      What are you studying? What are your next planned traveling destinations? Where do you want to go?

      Please stay tuned to my next blog. I started this little Coffee "Project" in every country i'm traveling to and will be writing about that!

